Quaker Oats: Pack The Goodness Program

Quaker Oats - Pack The Goodness

The Quaker Oats Company, also known as Quaker, is an American food conglomerate owned by PepsiCo that manufactures and distributes breakfast cereals and other breakfast foods, as well as snacks and drinks. Some of their best known products include Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Cap’n Crunch, and Chewy granola bars. BAM Strategy and their client, Quaker, partnered with 3 tier logic to launch their national ‘Quaker Oats Pack The Goodness’ gift with purchase program, exclusive to Canadian consumers. This was the second program BAM Strategy activated with 3 tier logic.

Program Objectives

  • Increase product purchasing

  • Drive brand engagement

  • Capture customer data


3 tier logic provided access to PLATFORM³’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Engine via an Application Development Interface (API) for Quaker’s ‘Quaker Oats Pack The Goodness’ gift with purchase program, leveraging the following modules:

  • API License

  • Data Capture & Analytics

When consumers purchase two qualifying Quaker products in one transaction from participating retailers, they are eligible to receive a $2 digital coupon and a $2 donation to Food Banks Canada. Through PLATFORM³’s Purchase Receipt Validation technology via API, customers can validate their purchase by registering and uploading a picture of their receipt to the promotion microsite. Once their purchase has been validated, customers receive an email with their $2 digital coupon and instructions on how to redeem it. They were limited to four offers per email address.

With PLATFORM³’s OCR Engine and Purchase Receipt Validation technology via API, Quaker was able to collect meaningful insights about their consumers’ purchasing behavior throughout the duration of the promotion. The Data Capture & Analytics module provides information on user activity and preferences on the microsite. Quaker is able to use this data to make strategic business decisions for future promotions and continue driving sales and brand engagement.